Monday, December 13, 2010

Mature isn't always a compliment, or another reason why we wanted to do this blog

As we prepared to write this blog and googled "Bride over 35" or "older bride", a phrase that we kept coming across to describe us was "mature". Now, as brides at 38 and 39, we knew that we couldn't wear everything we wore at 25, and that a Cinderella wedding complete with glass slipper and coach might seem best left in the past. But in this context, "mature" sounds like a buzzkill.  I may not have chosen to wear a 20 foot train, but we didn't want to be relegated to long-sleeved beige dresses with turtlenecks either.

Yes, dear people of the internet, we argue that we shouldn't have to settle for the wedding that someone else has decided that we should have just because we're older. Now, neither of us danced on bars at our weddings, but we danced up a storm on the dance floor. And Leslie's strappy gown and my strapless dress with the crazy train were perfect for us, because, well, they were US. See, we believe that you should be able to have the wedding that you want, regardless of your age, and that actually, our age gives us the right to do whatever the heck we choose. So rock that long-sleeved dress if you want, or show off those shoulders, or have your elegant sit-down dinner with violins playing, or have that all-you-can eat taco bar and pass out from too much Electric Sliding.  The point, is to know who you are, and work that. Because being YOU and being happy with that is the most mature thing we can think of.


  1. Congrats on your new blog! I will pass it along to all my bride to be friends over 35. I would like to share my favorite bride over 35 story. At 41 my friend remarried after a long marital hiatus. The first time around was the typical grand event but at 41 she felt she was bigger, badder and better and she opted for 'a turn key wedding.' She literally outsourced every single detail except for her dress. She was determined to be a 'guest at her own wedding.' Hands down one of the most wonderful events, and the planner gave her a huge break because the cost was considerably less because there were no phone calls throughout the 7 months of planning trying to work on the bride's or groom's specifications. She swears she could not have pulled this off if she was a 25 year old control freak. She swears age is what allowed her to take this plunge and the results were spectacular.

  2. Thank you! If I had been around the bulk of my family, I might have done the same! (Guess I'm still a control freak!) :)
    What a cool idea! I'll email you...we want pictures!
